Orzel Meets... will be a series we run where we catch up with people who inspire and influence us, so before we start I thought I better introduce myself first...
I'm Grant, the owner of Orzel!
Some key facts to get us going:
- I've decided to start an online store in the middle of a global pandemic
- I thought I would start this as a side hustle and see how it went, then I was made redundant
- I've never built a website before
Why the name Orzel?
Emmanuel Orzel was my Great Uncle. Born in Katowice, Poland. He was injured during WWII when his tank was attacked. As he stepped out of the top of the flaming wreckage, delighted to still be alive, he was shot in the chest.
Lying on the ground he reached for his chest, and there in his top pocket was his leather wallet, with the bullet sitting proudly in it....
If this isn't an example of why it's important to buy better quality goods that will last you a lifetime, then I don't know what is! #BUYBETTER
How did Orzel come to be?
Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen is a quality tune, and when The Boss says “You can’t start a fire without a spark” he knows what he is talking about!
I've never really known what I wanted to do. I must be the only person who did a postgraduate diploma in Careers Guidance and still didn't know what I wanted to do after it... I fell into grocery retail and sales, and to be honest I quite enjoyed it, it's hard graft and long hours, but it wasn't the worst.
I've never really known what I wanted to do. I must be the only person who did a postgraduate diploma in Careers Guidance and still didn't know what I wanted to do after it... I fell into grocery retail and sales, and to be honest I quite enjoyed it, it's hard graft and long hours, but it wasn't the worst.
This spark that Springsteen was talking about though, happened on a trip to Williamsburg we went on for Hogmanay a few years ago. Stumbling upon the Corridor store, it was as if Dan Snyder, their ex-FBI designer had specifically made the shirts for me. Moving onto Upstate Stock, I found a place full of Menswear and Lifestyle goods that were sustainably made and beautifully designed, all in a store that doubled up as a hangout / cafe / workspace and it inspired me.
www.orzel.store is the first step, but we have plans to create something and somewhere.
What will Orzel be about?
As we move towards launching our website we have been drawn to brands that make us feel something. Brands with heritage, who have a story to tell and new brands with purpose, who want to push the boundaries. Authentic clothes and products made by people who care about what they are making, the people who make them and those that will wear and use them.
It’s important for us to work with people who are passionate and love what they do. Fashion is one of the most damaging industries for the planet, and whilst us getting involved certainly isn't going to reduce that, we are doing everything that we can to ensure that we leave as little a footprint as possible, from working with brands who are at the forefront of developing new sustainable ways to produce clothes to our environmentally friendly packaging.
I want us to be someone that you trust and know that you can buy quality goods from. Customer service is really important too, so please just ask us the questions and know that we will do all we can to help.
Will you have your own range of clothing for Orzel?
We are working on a 100% organic cotton logo T-Shirt now, and have plans to create a small amount of wardrobe staples in the future. I enjoy collaborating with people, and look forward to exploring some opportunities we have with this too...
Who can we expect to see in upcoming Orzel Meets?
Look out for the stories from people at our brands, gastronomic wizards, musical maestros, healthy dudes and art people. People who have cool stories to tell, how they got to where they are, the fuck up's on the way and what's coming up next.
Why you doing {Mix Tapes}?
I’ve always loved music. Some of my favourite memories are of all of my family dancing in the back room to disco, 80s staples or dads latest LP he had brought back from our holiday destination (hola Julio Iglesias and ciao Eros Ramazzotti).
Music creates special nights with close friends, creaky floors, dark rooms and arms around shoulders singing at the top of our voices. It brings people together, helps us grieve and gives us hope.
I'm missing live shows, and dancing with friends badly this year, which is why I've loved posting our {Mix Tapes} and hosting our {Stream} live sessions with Meddie Mercury and Partizan! Our long term plan will be to host live events to showcase bands and DJ's alongside our new ranges when we can again, so keep an eye out!
Hopefully this has given you more of an idea of who I am, and what Orzel is about! I'm buzzing to finally get going, and excited for you to see the collections we have curated with our brand family.